What is Hapé Rapé How to use them and Side effects of Hapé Rapé

The Kambo Shop
4 min readSep 27, 2021


What is Rapé?

Rapé is pronounced “ha-peh” or “rapay” and is a fine, ground shamanic snuff. It contains Nicotiana Rustica, a type of tobacco also known as mapacho. It is different from the tobacco used in cigarettes, which is called Nicotiana Tabacum.

Although Rapé contains tobacco, you should not smoke it. Instead, it is administered into the nose. You don’t want to smoke it because it also contains other medicinal and sacred plants, including parts of tree bark, leaves, seeds, and various plants. After collecting, the ingredients are pulverized with a pestle and passed through a sieve.

The result is a fine, light-colored powder. Different combinations of plants offer different uses and effects, and the exact recipe is often kept secret by shamans.

Historical details

Snuff dates back to the time of the Incas. Therefore, many believe that rapé dates back to the discovery of tobacco’s psychotropic properties.

It is commonly used by shamans and tribes in Brazil and Peru for spiritual practices. The use of tobacco in these cultures is generally different from that in other parts of the world: it is used as part of ceremonies rather than for mindless chain smoking.

The frequency and intent of tobacco use varies by group or tribe. Some smoke it before breakfast and dinner, others in a pure rapé ceremony, and many other things in between.

In the Americas, it is often used in combination with other spiritual medicines such as ayahuasca, sananga, and kambo. With both these substances and rapé, the setting and setting are crucial.

Setting and setting

Setting and setting are often discussed in the context of psychotropic substances. The set is the mindset and the head, while the setting is the external environment.

It is important to be intentional about both things when using Rapé.

You should have an intention when taking Rapé. This may be to clear your head, answer a question you’ve been asking yourself, or deepen your meditative state.

You should also be in a relatively quiet and sacred place. It doesn’t have to be a truly sacred place, but the energy surrounding the application of Rapé should give the dense feeling of a ritual and a statement of intention.

Once the intentions are set, the person administering and the user can proceed with the medicine.

How to use shamanic snuff

Rapé is not snuffed or inhaled. Rather, it is blown forcefully through the person’s nose using a v-shaped bamboo or bone tube. It is easier to ask an experienced person to do this with a tepi whistle.

Experienced users can also use a crank pipe, a personal pipe with a sharper V-angle that allows you to blow the snuff into your own nose. In either case, one takes a pea-sized amount in the palm of the hand, scoops it into the pipe, and blows it in one puff or in a short succession of quick, forceful puffs.

Both nostrils are gathered to promote balance and should be done a short distance apart. After administration, you can expect the following.

What happens when Rapé enters the nose

It immediately penetrates the mucous membranes and enters the bloodstream.

The ingredients attach to nicotine receptors, which leads to increased production of dopamine, acetylcholine and adrenaline. These chemical processes cause one to feel relaxed and calm, yet alert and awake. It is quick and often feels like a jolt, but does not usually cause fear or anxiety.

You should close your eyes, breathe slowly, and focus on your intention when the effect comes on quickly. Most people have watery eyes because the nose is so sensitive and because rapé is a laxative for many.

However, sometimes there is crying, increased salivation, sneezing, vomiting or the need to have a bowel movement. This is normal and part of the process, as one of the purposes of Rapé is to cleanse and purify the body and mind.

Here are the medicinal and healing effects that may occur during the process.

Medical and spiritual benefits

Again, there are different types of rapé, as shamans use different plants to make the powdered mixture. People often feel more grounded during the experience, which allows them to clear up confusion or discomfort about an issue they may have been experiencing.

When you focus on the intention you have set, you can easily find what you have been looking for, whether it is a state of consciousness or an answer to a question. Your mind is cleansed of anything it needs to let go of. The body often follows suit.

Physical effects

We have mentioned the detoxifying effects of Rapé. Although many people don’t think it’s ideal, rapé is good for the immune system because of its laxative and expectorant properties.

By forcing the release of toxins, mucus and other unwanted substances in the body, Rapé helps to purify the system. This strengthens the immune system and helps especially with constipation.

At the same time, the body can relieve physical tension, resulting in a relaxed, peaceful state.Continue to invest in your mental, physical and spiritual health.

Learning about medicines like Rapé, as in this article, can help you grow and become a better person. Shamanic snuff is completely legal in the US, so hopefully you’ll be able to try some soon now that you know a little more about it. It’s ideal if you find someone with experience to give you your rapé the first time you take it.

